Sunday, September 30, 2012

Week of 10/01/12


Monday: 2 pages phonics, 1 page math, 1 page grammar

Tuesday: 2 pages phonics, 1 page math, 1 page science & read page A30*

Wednesday: 2 pages phonics, 1 pages math

Thursday: 2 pages phonics, 1 pages math, study for grammar test tomorrow

Friday: 2 pages phonics, 1 page math, 2 pages science &
             read pages A32 & A34

* The children will be taking the science textbook home on Tuesday and Friday. Parents are responsible for replacing lost or damage books. Please make sure that the children bring the textbooks back to class the next school day, so that they can use it in class.


Monday: Gym Uniform

Friday: 11:30 Dismissal, Grammar Test- see homework pages on

             sentence structure (capitalization, spacing and punctuation).



Monday: Math Quiz-Sums of six or less

Tuesday: Religion- God’s Creation

**Subject to change. Tentative dates. Other tests could be scheduled, so please check the blog next  week.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Week of 09/24/12


Monday: 2 pages phonics, 2 pages math, religion homework/study sheet

Tuesday: 2 pages phonics, math homework/test review

Wednesday: 2 pages phonics, 2 pages math,
                       study for religion test tomorrow

Thursday: 2 pages phonics, 2 pages math, study for math test tomorrow

Friday: 2 pages phonics


Monday: Gym Uniform

Thursday: Religion Test- see religion homework/study sheet,
                   book orders due

Friday: Math Test- see homework pages 3-10 and 17-20

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Week of 09/17/12


Monday: 2 pages phonics, 1 page math

Tuesday: 2 pages phonics, 1 page math

Wednesday: 2 pages phonics, 1 page grammar

Thursday: 2 pages phonics, 1 page math

Friday: 2 pages phonics, 1 page math

Monday:  Gym uniform and sneakers
- Breakfast is served at 7:25
- Children should be at school by 7:55 AM.

  They will be marked late otherwise.
- Dismissal time is 2:35pm at the back of the school

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Week of 9/10/12

Welcome to 1st grade! We had a busy first week. The children are adapting very well. Please return the emergency cards (2 per child), information sheets, afterschool forms, etc. If you have any questions or information to share with me concerning the children, please write me a note and place it in your child’s folder.

Best wishes,
Mrs. Tabora

2 pages phonics
2 pages math

Gym uniform and sneakers

-Thursday 11:30 DISMISSAL
- Breakfast is served at 7:25
- Children should be at school by 7:55 AM.

  They will be marked late otherwise.
- Dismissal time is 2:35pm at the back of the school
- Parent Orientation is this coming Wednesday at 7pm

Have a lovely week!