Monday: 2 pages phonics, 1 page math, 1 page grammar
Tuesday: 2 pages phonics, 1 page math, 1 page science & read page
Wednesday: 2 pages phonics, 1 pages math
Thursday: 2 pages phonics, 1 pages math, study for grammar test
Friday: 2 pages phonics, 1 page math, 2 pages science &
read pages
A32 & A34
* The children will be taking the science textbook home on Tuesday and
Friday. Parents are responsible for replacing lost or damage books. Please make
sure that the children bring the textbooks back to class the next school day,
so that they can use it in class.
Monday: Gym Uniform
Friday: 11:30 Dismissal, Grammar Test- see homework pages on
sentence structure
(capitalization, spacing and punctuation).
Monday: Math Quiz-Sums of six or less
Tuesday: Religion- God’s Creation
**Subject to change. Tentative
dates. Other tests could be scheduled, so please check the blog next week.