Sunday, November 25, 2012

Week of 11/26/12

Monday: 2 pages phonics, 2 pages math
Tuesday: 2 pages phonics, 2 pages math, 1 page Superkids
Wednesday: phonics reader, 2 pages math, 2 pages Superkids
Thursday: 2 pages math, 2 page social studies and read
                pages 74-75 & 78-83
Friday: 2 pages math, 1 page Superkids, 2 pages science and
           read pages A50-A53, study for the social studies test on
           Tuesday (pages 66-83)     

Monday: Gym uniform, Science Chapter Test---Plants
Tuesday: Spelling/Phonics and Reading
              Comprehension Tests
Friday: Religion Test---see study sheet

Tuesday: Social Studies Test (pages 66-83)
Wednesday: Math Quiz---subtraction, subtraction
                   sentence, difference (see the homework
                   on subtraction)