Monday: SAS Closed
Tuesday: 2 pages phonics, 1 page social studies & read pages 18-21
and 24-27*, Religion study sheet
Wednesday: 1 pages math, 1 page Superkids, and study for religion
Thursday: 1 pages math, 1 page social studies & read pages 28-29
and 30-33
Friday: 2 pages phonics, 1 page math, 2 pages Superkids
* The children will be taking the social studies textbook home on
Tuesday and Thursday. Parents are responsible for replacing lost or damage
books. Please make sure that the children bring the textbooks back to class the
next school day, so that they can use it in class.
Monday: SAS Closed
Tuesday: Math Quiz-sums of 6 or less & vocabulary: addends, sum
addition sentence (see homework)
Thursday: Religion Test (see study sheet)
Friday: 11:30 Dismissal, NO AFTER-SCHOOL PROGRAM
Wednesday: Math Quiz-Sums to 12 & related addition facts
**Subject to change. Tentative
dates. Other tests could be scheduled, so please check the blog next week.