Sunday, February 10, 2013

Week of 2/11/13

Monday: 2 pages Superkids (pp. 75 &76), 2 pages math
Tuesday: 2 pages Superkids (pp. 77 & 78), 2 pages math,
Wednesday: 1 page Superkids (p. 79), 2 pages grammar
       spelling list goes home
Thursday: 2 pages Superkids (p. 80 & 81), 2 pages math
Friday: 2 pages math, 2 pages Superkids (pp. 82 & 83),
           1-2 pages science & read pages B36-39, study for science test
Monday: Gym uniform
Tuesday: Spelling test
Wednesday:  Math Quiz---tens and ones, read and write numbers
                    and number words for 10 to 100. Review all homework.
Thursday: Social Studies Test, Citizenship, pages 124-139

Monday: Science Test, Energy, study pages B24-B38
Thursday: Math Quiz, place value to 100. Review all homework.
Friday: Spelling and reading comprehension tests