Saturday, February 2, 2013

Week of 2/4/13

Monday: 1 page Superkids (p. 70), 2 pages math
Tuesday: 1 page Superkids (p. 71), 2 pages math,
              spelling list goes home
Wednesday: 1 page math (p. 170), 2 pages Superkids (pp. 72, 73)
Thursday: 1 page Superkids (p. 74), 2 pages social studies
               & read pages 132-139
Friday: 1 page math, 2 pages grammar,
           2 pages science & read pages B30-35
Monday: Gym uniform, science project due
Tuesday: Religion Test, see the study sheet
Thursday: Math Chapter Test, Data & Graphs—review
               all homework.

Monday: Spelling and writing tests
Tuesday: Social Studies Test, Citizenship, pages 124-139
Wednesday:  Math Quiz---tens and ones, read and write numbers
                   and number words for 10 to 100. Review all homework.