Monday, December 12, 2016

Good Evening.  All 6, 7, 8 grade students always have homework!!!
                         Mondays:  Vocabulary Workshop ( Common Core Enriched Edition)
                                            Introductions of words, practice pronunciation, read story in book
                                            followed by essay
                                            Complete "choosing the right word"
                                            Write 7-10 words on loose leaf in a sentence
                          Tuesdays:  Writing:  Words in Action (Essay/Debate)

                          Wednesdays:  Index Cards -- Write 20 words and definitions (words on one side and
                                                                          definitions on other) These cards are used in class to
                                                                          play game "Memory"
                                                 Create a story using at least 10 words
                                                 Design your own puzzle (Word Search or Crosswords)
                            Thursdays:  Synonyms + Antonyms
                                                Completing the Sentence

                            Fridays:  Vocabulary Test and/or Spelling Test (different styles + formats)

 READING:   HOME READING LOG  :  ALL Students must read a minimum of 20 minutes. Parents must initial each day.  Students should be prepared to share in class once two-sided sheet is completed.

ESSAYS:  All essays must follow the Writing Process Format.  Students must write their first draft on loose leaf to be submitted.  Once checked, students will edit work.  Students must type second draft (double spaced) for submission.  If no further corrections are needed, then work will be displayed.

Extra Credit:  Given frequently on topics irrelevant to class material.  Students are expected to share found information with class. Extra points will be given toward lowest grades.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me via email or the school phone.

With Love,
Ms. Ortiz