Monday: 2 pages math, 1 page science & read pp. C40-43
Tuesday: 2 pages math, 1 page Superkids (p. 33)
Wednesday: 2 pages Superkids (pp. 3 4 & 35), 1 page grammar
Thursday: 2 pages math, 2 pages Superkids (pp. 3 6 & 37)
Friday: 2 pages math, 1 page grammar,
2 pages social
studies & read pp. 200-203 & 206-209
Monday: Gym uniform,
Math Chapter
test, adding and subtracting
within 20,
review all homework
Friday: Science test, chapter on weather (pp. C26-29, C32-35,
and C38-43). I will send the science books home
on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Tuesday: Spelling test
Thursday: Social studies test, Economics, pp. 176-183,
192-197, 200-203 & 206-209. Pay
close attention
to all highlighted words and the
questions at the end of each lesson. Review