I’m excited to inform you that on Tuesday we have a special guest
from the Cooper-Hewitt Design in the Classroom program visiting us.
She will conduct a design workshop with the children. You can learn
more about
the program at http://www.cooperhewitt.org/learning/designk12/videos.
Monday: 2 pages math, 1 Superkids (p. 38)
Tuesday: 2 pages math, 1 page Superkids (p. 39)
Wednesday: 2 pages math, 1 page grammar
Thursday: 1 page math (p. 306), 2 pages phonics
Friday: 2 pages math, 2 pages science &
read pp. C46-C51
Monday: Gym uniform
Tuesday: Spelling test,
Design in the Classroom workshop
Thursday: Social studies test, Economics, pp. 176-183,
192-197, 200-203 & 206-209. Pay
close attention
to all highlighted words and the
questions at
the end of each lesson. Review all
homework. I
will send the social studies textbook
home Monday-Wednesday. Please make sure the
is returned to
school everyday.
Tuesday: Grammar test, adjectives, endings –er & -est,
review all
Thursday: Math test, Geometry, review all homework