Monday: 2 pages math, 1 page grammar
Tuesday: 2 pages math, 1 page Superkids (p. 40)
Wednesday: 1 page math (p. 318), 1 page Superkids (p. 41),
2 pages
science & read pp. C52-53, C56-57
Thursday: 2 pages Superkids (pp. 42 & 43), 2 pages social
studies &
read pp. 220-231
Friday: 2 pages phonics, 2 pages Superkids (pp. 44 & 45)
Monday: Gym uniform
Tuesday: Grammar test, Adjectives, endings –er & -est,
review all
Thursday: Math test, Geometry, review all homework
Monday: Science test, The Sky, pp. C46-53 & C56-57. Pay
close attention
to all highlighted words and the
questions at
the end of each lesson. Review all
homework. I
will send the science textbook
home on Friday.
Tuesday: Spelling and reading
comprehension tests